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Mineralientage München / The Munich Show (2009-2018)

2019 - Whoever collects makes history

This year's theme of the special exhibition is '' Whoever collects makes history ''. In the course of this, important collections from the past to the present were exhibited. Representing the passion for collecting Alpine minerals, great pieces from the collections of the ETH Zurich, Paul Membrini, the Curschellas family, Lukas von Känel and myself were exhibited. In order to present the history of collecting, the collections have been arranged chronologically.

At this point I would like to thank everyone involved for the trust and great help without which this excellent exhibition would not have been possible.

2018 - Elements

The Munich Show 2018 was all about the elements.

A special joy and honour for me as I was allowed to be in charge of the organization of the Alpine Special Show.

The area for the special show has been redesigned and divided into the elements silicon, titanium and fluorine.

Quartz in all its forms and colours from all over the Alps has been exhibited as a representative of silicon. Titanite, Anatase, Brookite and Rutile represented the element titanium. Fluorites from Austria, France and Switzerland in all colours and sizes were in the fluorine range to admire.

At this point I would also like to thank all of you who have trusted me with your wonderful pieces for the special show.

2017 - from mine to mine

2016 - Ticino

The mineral show in Munich has been very well visited, also some new exhibitors were represented. Of course, what was most pleasing to me was the theme of this year's special Alpine show "Ticino". Mineralogically, Ticino is an extremely versatile canton, and so many sceptre quartz, hematite roses and quartz with inclusions fascinated the visitors. In addition, a cleft was rebuilt from the Nadelquarz locality in Val Bedretto, which especially fascinated the young audience. Also, very interesting were a series of showcases in which minerals from the Ticino section of the Gotthard road tunnel were shown.

Definitely worth the trip and one of the best special exhibitions so far!

2010 - Mont Blanc

With two impressive special shows (Brazil & Mont Blanc) the Mineral Show 2010 established themselves again as Europe’s top mineral show.

This year's Alpine Special Show was about the most extraordinary crystals from the roof of Europe, the Mont Blanc Massif. In addition to countless dream specimens, two well-known fluorite pieces attracted the most attention: Frederic and Laurent.

 It was a very special week for me. The first time as an exhibitor at the Mineralientagen in Munich - in the alpine area! For me, a dream came true ...


This year the giant crystals, found by Franz von Arx and Elio Müller, were the sensation in the alpine area of ​​the Munich Show. The more than 1 m long quartz crystals are unique in the Alps. I have to say that the quality surprised me. At this size I had imagined them worse!

The mineral show was certainly worth a visit, and despite the economic crisis, visitor numbers remained at the same level as in the previous year

Mineralien Surselva, Patrick Reith
CH-7180 Disentis
Telefon +41 (0)79 888 9575

© 2019 by Mineralien Surselva

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